In the divine room of grey, she sits.
In the divine room of grey, he sits.
In the divine room of grey, she sits.
In the divine room of grey, he sits.
In the divine room of grey, they sits.
In the divine room of grey, she sits.
Let’s shuffle.
In the divine room of grey, she sits.
In the divine room of grey, they sits.
In the divine room of grey, he sits.
In the divine room of grey, she sits.
In the divine room of grey, she sits.
In the divine room of grey, he sits.
Let’s shuffle one more time.
In the divine room of grey, six people sit around the divine table of grey.
Souls are settled.
No narrative needs to be addressed for the six, for their existence is created by nature.
Unquestionable and unexplainable.
Let’s distribute.
Cell and cell unite. More cells are created.
Cells join into the bone of white. The structure of a human is created.
In the structure of the whiteness, the muscle of red fills the negative space.
Here comes the human, not yet activated.
The muscle moves. Kinetic activated the human.
Human and human unite. More humans are created.
Humans join into the hierarchy. The Structure of human society is created.
In the Structure, humans fill the negative space.
Here comes the Structure, sitting in the very center of the steel-thread-woven mesh, enjoying the
Language is needed for the introduction of Structure.
Its existence is not a creation of nature but of humans.
The Structure exists in the form of absolute authority.
It enjoys offerings all the time, for time itself is subdivided by humans in the name of the Structure.
Human finds negative space assigned to them under the blessing and control of the Structure.
This space is not a static space of abundance and richness. It requires offering from humans and
giving benefits in exchange. Indicators are used to catalog, measure, and weigh the
Let’s play.
If humans are the embodiment of the time they have finely subdivided, the delicate mechanism
within them may be able to perfectly marshal the exchange in the space prepared by the
Structure. Humans would be able to produce just the right amount of offerings as well as be
content with the benefits of giving.
Though the Structure endeavors to polish humans into a watch, humans fail to do so. Some wish to give more than the required offerings, and there are those who wish
to receive benefits without offering. The former wishes to add an indicator to the catalog of
Note the difference between adding an indicator and producing excess offering.
The excess offering is when humans make extra labor in their space.
Adding an indicator is when humans make extra labor in their space, and makes more humans
aware of the need for excess labor therefore make a new indicator for every space.
Humans are the creators of the Structure, and having a certain base, could add indicators or alter
the Structure.
This, however, is not an easy task. It is not that humans are not powerful enough, but that the
indicator itself cannot fit in the catalog of offerings.
The indicators are, suspiciously, subjectively, irrationally, uncritically, unscientifically, love, and trust.
The game is over.
He left the divine room of grey.
She left the divine room of grey.
She left the divine room of grey.
They left the divine room of grey.
He left the divine room of grey.
She left the divine room of grey.